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29029 Feet For Kids!

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You have 36 hours to climb 29029 feet. - the equivalent height of Mt. Everest. Hike up the mountain, take the gondola down, and repeat. You can visit 29029 at

If you'd like to follow along with our journey, you can do so at the website

You may be wondering,

From Bill

It all began with my two youngest daughters, Maggie and Tessa. They decided they would attempt this event in 2022. Cyndie and I thought they were crazy!  We had never heard of 29029 and none of us in the family had ever attempted anything like this. But they forged ahead.  I was there each time one of them crossed that finish line. They would come up that last rise after climbing 2300 ft, struggling to make it to the top, sometimes with tears. They were doing this in Utah in August, so besides making the vertical climb they also had to deal with hot, dry weather and high altitude. Their climb started at 6400 feet and finished at 8400 ft. And then they would try another lap. Their perseverance in the face of so many obstacles inspired me to try this insane event. So, all three of us signed up for 2023. You can visit 29029 at

From Maggie

2 years ago, I watched a video on YouTube that documented a couple’s journey during an event called 29029. The video deeply intrigued me and my sister, Tessa, and after a little bit of discussion and a lot of contemplation we both decided to give it a shot. 10 months later we arrived at Snowbasin Resort, extremely nervous and immensely intimidated. This mountain would be our home for the next 36 hours as we attempted to make as many ascents as possible.

The mountain taught me so much-how to remain mentally strong, how to continuously put one foot in front of the other, how to connect with complete strangers, how to not give up when that is all you desperately want to do. What made the event even more special was having my dad there, cheering me on and waiting for me at the top of the mountain, ready to grab my equipment or give me a hug as soon as I completed each ascent. Our time on the mountain inspired him to put himself in our shoes and with much excitement the three of us signed up to do this crazy event together.

My first time around, I reached my goal of completing enough ascents to earn a medal. This year, I am focusing on summiting Everest and completing all 17 laps. Raising money and awareness for The Shepherd’s Crook Ministry, a ministry near and dear to my family’s heart, will make this event even more special. Thank you for joining us on this journey!

From Tessa

Last year, I attempted to complete 29029 at Snowbasin in Utah with my sister, Maggie. I didn’t know what to expect and wasn’t prepared for how truly difficult it would be—the thin air, the heat, the physical challenge, and, above all, the mental challenge. I struggled more than I thought I would, but I also found support when I didn’t expect to.  Maggie helped me push through my final ascent and Dad cheered us on the whole way. Even strangers passing me on the way up the mountain would shout out, “Go Tessa! You got this!”. The sense of community was instant and profound, creating a camaraderie on that mountain that I did not expect but couldn’t have been more grateful for.

I was scared when I initially arrived because I thought all the participants would be super athletic. As more people arrived, and as Maggie and I talked to more people, I realized that most of them were just like me and Maggie. They also came there for an adventure that would test themselves. While I don’t feel I succeeded in my initial attempt, I told myself that final day that I would give it at least one more try.

When the dates for this year were released, Maggie and I decided to give it another go. And my dad surprised us by also signing up! I am very excited to be making another attempt with my whole family there to endure the 36 hours with me, Maggie, and my dad. I am looking forward to being able to experience the 29029 community again and immersing myself in it for the entire weekend. I want to give this challenge another shot to truly test my mental strength in a time of hardship. While I would love to complete all 17 ascents, my ultimate goal is to go one more than I think I can in that moment. And who knows…. maybe that could lead me to pulling off all 17 and receiving the coveted red hat!

Inspiration from The Shepherd's Crook Orphan Ministry:
Endurance and Fundraising

Initially, I just wanted to see how far I could go and whether I’d be able to overcome obstacles like my daughters did. Then one day I thought, “Why not use this event to try and raise money for The Shepherd’s Crook Orphan Ministry?”  Cyndie and I have supported the ministry for several years and have gotten to know the couple who founded and continue to run it, Scott and Kathy Rosenow. They have always amazed us with their undying love for the children they care for.  No matter the obstacles in their path, they have persisted and continue to find homes for the least of us. It occurred to me they have essentially been in an endurance event for over 20 years! They, too, have become an inspiration for me. If they can endure for 20 years, I asked myself, why couldn’t I endure for 36 hours? You can visit their website at.

Supporting Shepherd's Crook Ministry:
Making a Pledge for a Purpose

One of those challenges facing Shepherd’s Crook Ministry has been funding. Their ministry rarely has any surplus cash and has faced closure at times due to lack of funds. But God keeps providing so they keep working. So, we are encouraging you to consider making a pledge based on the number of laps we complete. It will serve two purposes: helping this wonderful ministry with funding and giving the Michels team incentive to complete as many laps as we can.